Wednesday, September 20, 2006

i found this on my friend audras blog, and i just liked it

Fork in the road
I find, more and more these days, that I question my life and the direction that it is taking. I have always believed that you really don't have much of a choice. I believe that life is pre destined. God knows every step you will take, every stumble, every fall. Yes, you have "free will". You make the choice that will mean either the right road or a bad fall, but God knows before you do what you will choose.I am at a fork in my life. I am at a point where my next move could either lead to a wonderful new experience, or a neck breaking fall. Will I choose correctly? Will I pass the test?Only God knows, and he isn't sharing that bit of information with me.I have been givien two brilliant pieces of advice from a coworked this week.#1: Put your feet on the high road, and let God lead you where you need to go.and#2: If God leads you to it, God will lead you through it.Why is it so hard to just believe this?


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